20:00 - Arrived Home from appointment w/Mother & Brother, Essay can wait
20:30 - TV Sucks, might look into essay.... but must chat online first
21:15 - Theres still time, I can do the essay later
22:00 - 2 hours until XXXTreme Heat, still have time to do essay later
22:01 - Got fab idea to start off essay, but MS Word is too many clicks away.
23:00 - T minus 60 minutes on porn, Essay is still untouched like an elderly lesbian
00:00 - XXXTreme heat is on, sod off.
01:24 - erm, "business"* is complete, now to start essay... but bed is so cozy
01:38 - WhAt ThE fCuK, why can't I remeber that faboo intro for my essay!
01:39 - Wasting time writing this

* = Not actual “business” transactions were completed, do you really think I’d tell you when I do that?

Listening to: Some CD

Vibe: bitchy

LJ ItemID: 45258