Kevin is ________. Kevin thinks a lot about _______ using only a plastic tube and coloured mice. When I think of Kevin, I think of ________, thats why I’m currently undergoing extensive counseling. I want Kevin to ________ me with a hammer and a single bog roll. If I were alone in a room with Kevin, I would _______ then ring 999. I think Kevin should _____ to complete his mission of taking over the world. Kevin needs ______ and a £20 voucher from Virgin Wines. I want to ____________ Kevin over and over until the armed police kick in my door. If I could describe Kevin in a word: _______. Kevin will never ______ with witnesses around. Kevin can ______ my packet of Salt & Vinegar crisps. I hope Kevin never _____ with a gerbil. I _____ Kevin because _______ and because he’s threatened to _______ ________.

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Vibe: NoMoodTag

LJ ItemID: 261457