Went into Bath today orignally just for measure-thingys for alcohol, but ended up going shopping.

I ended up getting a few games at GAME which cost me about £50, then headed up to HMV and got the Japanese versions of The Ring and got a Gameboy Advance SP, bought Doom on the spot and ordered Yoshi’s Island: Super Mario Advance 3 off of an un-named online shop.

When I was in HMV I found a very…errr… scary section, the hetero-porn section! It caught me off guard considering I went via the childrens section to get to the games section. When I saw it I thought “Can they sell THAT in public” (picture a video titled Dirty Whore Gang Bangs with an image of a nice lady receiving it in any open hole, yeah I thought so).

But whatever, I’m sure the kiddies have to learn about it somewhere and it might as well be next to Lilo and Sitch.

Listening to:

Vibe: apathetic

LJ ItemID: 271356