I’ve been asked (read: demanded) to move numbers from an old mobile, not a problem. but here is where I get FUCKED OFF:

I’m going through the numbers on the new phone to make sure everything is alright and what do I see Costelloe Kevin I think, ok I’ll check what numbers he has against my name and update them if needed. Do you have any fucking clue what I found?

I find My Home number, my PERSONAL MOBILE number, my PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS and of course my work mobile number (which I can’t remember the number to let alone given it out…. ever).

I don’t know how he got this information but I feel FUCKING VIOLATED I NEVER would have EVER passed on my home number, my personal mobile number or my personal email address to this person. I don’t want them to EVER call me at home, EVER call me/sms on MY mobile EVER send me an email to MY PERSONAL email address.

I’ll be amazed if I manage not to FUCKING RIP HIS HEAD OFF for this.


Listening to:

Vibe: aggravated

LJ ItemID: 285954