I’m seriously starting to get sick of his shit, we shall start from this morning:

I’m driving, a bus stops I’m about to overtake when he says “No” which was actually “go” but he was mumbling, anyways, I abort my attempt and stop behind the bus. The road was clear and I thought he was an idiot for stopping me, anyways he starts getting shitty with me “Well now you can’t see, why didn’t you go, blah blah blah” so I said “It sounded like YOU said stop, so I didn’t go” I was tempted to add on “Why don’t you shut the fuck up and let me do the driving and only intervene if you are NEEDED to” but I wasn’t up for an arguement at 8:45am.

Next we get to the office, he does is usual walk away and not help me collect my mobile, my wallet, my bag and the radio faceplate which would cut about a good minute or so, he just fucks off like I’m a taxi service.

Then about 5 minutes ago I’m asking him a question when he says “I can’t hear you over the fans and traffic” there is NO traffic on the road and there is ONE fan, he ALWAYS does this everybody but him can hear me at my normal speaking tone from where he is, so I raise my voice so the sales office can hear my voice too and he tells me off for “saying it like that” well, tough, you “can’t hear me” now you can, shut the fuck up.

Now I’ve pretty much started to throw back the attitude that he’s given me over the past two weeks and he doesn’t have a clue why, probably because he’s an ass, however, yesterday he really fucked me off so for the afternoon I was rude with him and made sure NOBODY could miss it and he has the gull to ask “whats wrong with you today” oh I don’t know, maybe it has something to do with you being a complete arsehole to me.


Listening to:

Vibe: NoMoodTag

LJ ItemID: 328373