Some people in this fucking building really have issues, I’ve been trying to get 200 things done for 30 different people at one time so of course that means I’m busy.

To prevent my on coming madness I had to forward all my calls to voicemail as there is shit that needs to be done and it’s not getting done at this rate.

Now I was downstairs for a good 30 minutes trying to get this problem sorted and somebody decides it’s perfectly OK to leave a laptop on my chair as if I were to know what it’s about and how to fix it.

This pisses me off to an extreme, no I have no fucking idea what needs doing to this and the lack of note is not helping. Bah, I’ve had it, I’m leaving a sign on my desk that reads

Any item left on this desk without a note will be auctioned off on ebay, the funds from that transaction will be used to aid my soon-to-be alcohol problem.

kthnx, The Management

Listening to:

Vibe: NoMoodTag

LJ ItemID: 330802