At work the extension 2020 is that of the managing director, who is an extremely lovely woman but scares the absolute living daylights out of just about everybody for some reason.

I am no exception to this rule.

Today I received a message on my phone “PRESS CALL FOR 2020 INA”, understandably I shat out a couple bricks, this being only the second time I managed to get a call DIRECT from the MD.  Thankfully, like the time before that it wasn’t a call to obtain my P45 before being escorted out, which I find is always a sign of a healthy relationship with your employer.

It was infact two things, first being “thank you for staying on late last night” as I stayed on from when the system shat upon us to clean the mesh of jobs left behind and secondly “this agent called to accept this job”.

This is why I love my job, how many of you people get a personal call from the MD thanking you personally for something you’ve done?  Answers on a postcard and I won’t accept “but they’re on a postal strike” for the limited responses.

Originally published at Кевин You can comment here or there.

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Vibe: NoMoodTag

LJ ItemID: 816943