• Imported





    Classic Maccery and Various Things

    So why I have to ask is it so hard to find classic mac/windows clients for
    things like LiveJournal?

    I don't understand it, I know it's "old technology" but I can still score
    a decent game of something for Commodore 64 or even Amiga.

    Oh well, I guess I will have to get a telnet service run on my Mac so I
    can just use NCSA Telnet and use Links/Charm for my classic computing fix.

    Today has been mega busy sorting things out, cleaned my flat, ran about
    town and even better yet managed to avoid a commute from hell with the
    cancellation of my train this morning (awesome).

    Now I am just chilling before it's time to go to bed and wake up tomorrow
    at Normal AM and make it two and from work by foot. I really need to
    steal a chinsy bike!

    I'm also sorting things out for Thursday, journey is booked and I'm
    receiving emails with more and more contact details and locations. So
    we'll see how that all goes.

    Listening to: CIRC - Love Electric

    Vibe: NoMoodTag

    LJ ItemID: 1368787

    Friday February 11, 2011
protection contre les spams

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